Variables Affecting Deletion Rate of Articles

Created through the Content Translation tool


Krishna Chaitanya Velaga, Product Analytics


April 23, 2024

Task: T356765


The Content Translation tool (CX) allows editors to create translations right next to the original article and automates the boring steps such as copying text across browser tabs, looking for corresponding links and categories, etc. The tool has been live on Wikimedia projects for over a decade, and was used to create more than 2 million articles across various language Wikipedias. As it is with every article creation process (created through CX or otherwise), articles get deleted due to various factors, such poor quality of the content, plagiarism, notability, among others. Compared to articles created without using CX, deletion rate of the articles created using CX is significantly lower. On average, deletion rate of articles1 created using CX is ~3%, while that of non-CX article is ~12%.

The quarterly CX deletion stats comparision is used by the Language team to adjust machine translation limits on various Wikipedias to enforce review and modification of initial machine translation before articles are published. The team is working on making improvements to the limit system, and the primary goal of this analysis is to inform that work. The analysis will explore the importance and the impact of various factors in influencing the deletion outcome of articles translated through the content translation tool.

1 articles created in the main namespace only.


When refererring to articles throughout the report, unless otherwise mentioned, it’s a reference to the translated articles using CX. For example, if it says, percentage of articles deleted, it’s referring to percentage of translated articles that were deleted.


For the analysis, two years of data preceeding December 31, 2023 was gathered, which resulted in ~500K observations.2 The data gathering and processing steps are not included in this report, please refer to the data gathering and the data processing notebooks for more information on the queries used and the cleaning steps. Due to the presence of null values, 0.7% of the data collected has been excluded from the analysis. The following table gives an overview the variables considered:

2 articles created in the main namespace only.

var_info <- read.delim('variable_info.tsv', sep='\t')

var_tbl <- (
    var_info %>%
    gt(groupname_col = 'Type', rowname_col='Variable') %>%
    opt_stylize() %>%
    tab_header('Overview of Variables') %>%
        table.font.size = px(14)
    ) %>%
        gt::md('data sources documentation: [mediawiki_history](, \
                [cx_translations](, \
                [content_gap_metrics](), \
                [cxserver](, \
                [wiki comparision](')

Overview of Variables
Description Source
target_rev_id unique identifier for each edit mediawiki_history
source_bytes number of bytes of the source article when the translation was initiated mediawiki_wikitext_history
target_bytes number of bytes of the target article when the translation was published mediawiki_history
mt_pct percentage of machine translated content in the translated article cx_translations
human_pct percentage of human modified content in the translated article cx_translations
duration_mins time (in mins) taken to translate the article (difference between start and last updated) cx_translations
secs_since_prev_edit time elapsed (in seconds) since the user's previous edit mediawiki_history
creations_1hr number of articles created by the user (using CX) during the preceeding 1 hr to the edit mediawiki_history
creations_6hr number of articles created by the user (using CX) during the preceeding 6 hrs to the edit mediawiki_history
creations_24hr number of articles created by the user (using CX) during the preceeding 24 hrs to the edit mediawiki_history
creations_72hr number of articles created by the user (using CX) during the preceeding 72 hrs to the edit mediawiki_history
creations_7days number of articles created by the user (using CX) during the preceeding 7 days to the edit mediawiki_history
creations_15days number of articles created by the user (using CX) during the preceeding 15 days to the edit mediawiki_history
creations_30days number of articles created by the user (using CX) during the preceeding 30 days to the edit mediawiki_history
logical (True/False)
is_source_std_quality does the source article meet standard quality criteria content_gap_metrics
is_source_human is the primary subject of the source article a human content_gap_metrics
is_target_std_quality does the target article (i.e. the translation) meet the standard quality criteria content_gap_metrics
is_mt_available does the language pair (source - target) have at least one machine translation service cxserver
is_mobile_edit whether the article was created using a mobile device mediawiki_history
is_first_edit whether the edit (i.e. the article creation) was user's first edit (a newcomer) mediawiki_history
is_page_deleted the outcome; was the created page deleted mediawiki_history
ordered; categorical
source_wp_rank_bin comparative wiki size rank bin of the source article's Wikipedia wiki comparision
target_wp_rank_bin comparative wiki size rank bin of the target article's Wikipedia wiki comparision
user_edit_bucket edit bucket of the user on target Wikipedia until the edit mediawiki_history
user_rights_level user rights of the user on target Wikipedia at the time of the edit mediawiki_history
data sources documentation: mediawiki_history, cx_translations, content_gap_metrics, cxserver, wiki comparision
factors_info <- read.delim('factor_vars_info.tsv', sep='\t')

factors_tbl <- (
    factors_info %>%
    gt() %>%
    tab_header('Categories of Categorical Variable') %>%

Categories of Categorical Variable
Variables Categories
user_edit_bucket 1-10, 11-99, 100-999, 1000-49999, 5000+
user_rights_level none, confirmed, extended
source_wp_rank_bin 1-5, 6-10, 11-20, 21-50, 51-max
target_wp_rank_bin 1-5, 6-10, 11-20, 21-50, 51-max
Standard quality criteria

The data for variables about quality (whether the source and the target article meet the standard quaity criteria) was sourced from Content Gap metrics. An article is standard quality if it meets at least 5 of the 6 following criteria:

  • at least 8kB long in size
  • has at least one category
  • has at least seven sections
  • is illustrated with at least one image
  • has at least four references
  • has at least two intra-wiki links


As the goal of the analysis is to understand the importance and the influence of various variables in influencing the deletion outcome of a translated article. After initial data exploration, the following methods have been chosen.

Random forests for variable importance

Random forest is a classification algorithm, which can also be used to understand variable importance in a dataset. To understand the variable importance, we will be using the permutation importance approach which gives the Mean Decrease in Accuracy (MDA). In this approach, values of a given variable get randomly permutted to see how that affects classification accuracy. The use of the approach has been inspired from: Popov (2016).

Hiearchial logistic regression to estimate probability of deletion

During the initial data exploration, class imbalance was observed in the data. The incidence of outcome (i.e. is_page_deleted) is not consistent across Wikipedias (the target article’s language), and there is variation based on Wikipedia’s comparative size. Even though there has been extensive use of CX on smaller Wikipedias, the deletion rate had been substantially lower. For example, on Wikipedias smaller than the top 50, only ~1.6% of 145K articles were deleted, compared to ~7.4% of 97K articles on top 11 to 20 wikis. The low incidence might be due to factors beyond variables available and likely due to reasons such as lower patrolling, deletion activity and also variation in baseline expectation of translation activity, which are beyond the quality of a translation.

A hiearchial logistic regression model (also known as mixed effects model) will be helpful to deal with class imbalance across the groups (in this case, target Wikipedia size bin). It helps us to understand the variation in baseline probability for each grouped bin of the target language Wikipedia.

In both the steps, a seperate analysis has been done for articles created by first-time editors i.e. the published translation was their first edit on the project. This is because, several variables such as number of articles created during a given preceeding time frame, time since previous edit etc. are not relevant for first-time editors.


supressWarnings <- function(expr) suppressPackageStartupMessages(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(expr)))

# seems like one of later packages (probabily arm) is masking dplyr's select function
select <- dplyr::select

    digits = 3, 
    scipen = 50, 
    repr.plot.width = 15, 
    repr.plot.height = 10

# random seed for reproducible results
cx_base <- readRDS('secrets/cx_data.rds')
cx <- cx_base
# display great tables horizontally
display_tbl_hrz <- function(tables, space = 10) {
    tables_html <- lapply(tables, function(tbl) {
        div(style = sprintf("margin-right: %spx;", space),
    main_div <- div(style = "display: flex; justify-content: space-around; flex-wrap: wrap;", tables_html)

# format big numbers
format_big_number <- function(num) {
  if (num < 1000) {
  } else if (num < 1000000) {
    return(paste(format(num / 1000, nsmall = 1), "K", sep = ""))
  } else if (num < 1000000000) {
    return(paste(format(num / 1000000, nsmall = 1), "M", sep = ""))
  } else {
    return(paste(format(num / 1000000000, nsmall = 1), "B", sep = ""))

# calculate percentage difference
pct_diff <- function(old, new) {
    return(((new - old) / old) * 100)

Data preparation


The numerical variables in the dataset can have extreme values (outliers), which can impact the analysis (for example, during modelling). Winsorizing will help us limit extreme values, without any significant impact on the rest of the distribution. So instead of completely eliminating an outlier, it will be capped at certain threshold (for example: 95th percentile). The values can be winsorized at different levels: 10%, 5%, 1%.3 After exploring the quantiles of the variables, the percentage of winsorization will be decided.

3 10% winsoring would mean capping the top 5% of the values at value of the 95th percentiles and bottom 5% of the values at the value of the 5th percentile

num_cols <- c(
    'source_bytes', 'target_bytes', 'secs_since_prev_edit',
    'mt_pct', 'human_pct', 'duration_mins', 
    'creations_1hr', 'creations_6hr', 'creations_24hr', 'creations_72hr',
    'creations_7days', 'creations_15days', 'creations_30days'
pre_winsz_quantiles <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=6))
quantile_names <- names(quantile(NULL))
colnames(pre_winsz_quantiles) <- c(c('Variable'), quantile_names)

for (col in num_cols) {
    col_quantiles <- quantile(cx_base[[col]])
    pre_winsz_quantiles <- rbind(pre_winsz_quantiles, c(col, col_quantiles[1], col_quantiles[2], col_quantiles[3], col_quantiles[4], col_quantiles[5]))

pre_winsz_quantiles <- na.omit(pre_winsz_quantiles)
pre_winsz_tbl <- (
    pre_winsz_quantiles %>%
    mutate(across(quantile_names, ~ as.numeric(as.character(.)))) %>%
    gt() %>%
        'Quantiles of Numeric Variables',
    ) %>%
        columns = quantile_names, decimals=0
    ) %>% 
        '- 50% indicates the mean (average) value.'
    ) %>% 
        '- 100% indicates the most extreme value for the variable.'

Quantiles of Numeric Variables
Variable 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
source_bytes 72 3,522 6,835 14,289 686,189
target_bytes 0 1,877 4,092 8,523 544,611
secs_since_prev_edit 0 300 1,087 8,849 513,529,265
mt_pct 0 62 82 92 100
human_pct 0 8 17 34 100
duration_mins 0 4 13 78 1,030,997
creations_1hr 1 1 1 3 101
creations_6hr 1 1 2 5 303
creations_24hr 1 1 4 11 409
creations_72hr 1 2 7 24 714
creations_7days 1 3 13 44 1,376
creations_15days 1 5 21 74 2,326
creations_30days 1 7 34 116 3,490
- 50% indicates the mean (average) value.
- 100% indicates the most extreme value for the variable.
  • Given the above table, winsorizing will be done as following:
    • 10%: secs_since_prev_edit
    • 5%: duration_mins
    • 1%: source_bytes and target_types
  • Although creations during a given preceeding time frame has extreme values, winsorizing won’t be performed on those columns. The reason being, as one of the goals of the analysis is to find whether high creation rate (during campaigns) will lead to lower quality translations, leading to more deletions, limiting extremes for these columns will mask that information.
winsz_10pct =  c(0.05, 0.95)
winsz_5pct = c(0.025, 0.975)
winsz_1pct = c(0.01, 0.99)

col_winsz_levels <- c(
    'source_bytes' = '1pct', 
    'target_bytes' = '1pct',
    'secs_since_prev_edit' = '10pct', 
    'duration_mins' = '5pct'

for (col in num_cols) {
    if (![col])) {
        if (col_winsz_levels[col] == '10pct') {
            cx[[col]] = Winsorize(cx[[col]], probs = winsz_10pct)
        } else if (col_winsz_levels[col] == '5pct') {
            cx[[col]] = Winsorize(cx[[col]], probs = winsz_5pct)
        } else if (col_winsz_levels[col] == '1pct') {
            cx[[col]] = Winsorize(cx[[col]], probs = winsz_1pct)
post_winsz_quantiles <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=6))
colnames(post_winsz_quantiles) <- c(c('Variable'), quantile_names)

for (col in num_cols) {
    col_quantiles <- quantile(cx[[col]])
    post_winsz_quantiles <- rbind(post_winsz_quantiles, c(col, col_quantiles[1], col_quantiles[2], col_quantiles[3], col_quantiles[4], col_quantiles[5]))

post_winsz_quantiles <- na.omit(post_winsz_quantiles)
select_cols <- c('Variable', '50%', '100%')
pre_winsz_set <- pre_winsz_quantiles[select_cols]
post_winsz_set <- post_winsz_quantiles[select_cols]

colnames(pre_winsz_set)[2:3] <- c('pre50', 'pre100')
colnames(post_winsz_set)[2:3] <- c('post50', 'post100')

pre_post_quantiles <- merge(pre_winsz_set, post_winsz_set, by = 'Variable')
rownames(pre_post_quantiles) <- pre_post_quantiles$Variable

pre_post_quantiles_tbl <- (
    pre_post_quantiles[names(col_winsz_levels), ] %>%
    mutate(across(c('pre50', 'pre100', 'post50', 'post100'), ~ as.numeric(as.character(.)))) %>%
    arrange(factor(Variable, levels=num_cols)) %>%
    gt() %>%
        c('pre50', 'pre100', 'post50', 'post100'), decimals=0
    ) %>%
        'Mean (Average)', columns = c('pre50', 'post50')
    ) %>%
        '100%', columns = c('pre100', 'post100')
    ) %>%
        pre50 = 'Pre',
        pre100 = 'Pre',
        post50 = 'Post',
        post100 = 'Post'
    ) %>%
        'Variation in Quantiles Pre/Post Winsorizing'
    ) %>% 
        '- 100% indicates the most extreme value for the variable.'

Please refer to Table 2 in the appendix to check how the extreme values changed pre and post winsorizing.

Exploratory data analysis

Let us do a simple exploratory data analysis of how each variable varies by the deletion outcome, and to get basic understanding of the data.

  • For numeric variables: average values by deletion outcome
    • for example: average target_bytes of articles deteted vs. not deleted.
  • For logical (True/False) variables: proportion by deletion outcome
    • for example: percentage of transated articles deleted if the source article met the standard quality criteria or not.
  • For categorical variables: deletion proportion by each category
    • for example: percentage of articles by various edit buckets, that were deleted.

Numerical variables

mean_by_del_status <- data.frame(t(
    cx %>%
    filter(is_first_edit == FALSE) %>%
    select(is_page_deleted, all_of(num_cols)) %>%
    group_by(is_page_deleted) %>%
    summarize(across(all_of(num_cols), mean))

colnames(mean_by_del_status) <- c('No', 'Yes')
mean_by_del_status$Variable <- rownames(mean_by_del_status)
rownames(mean_by_del_status) <- NULL

mean_by_del_status_tbl <- (
    mean_by_del_status[-1, ] %>%
    gt() %>%
    cols_move_to_start('Yes') %>%
    cols_move_to_start('Variable') %>%
    tab_spanner('Is Page Deleted', c('Yes', 'No')) %>%
        'Average of Numeric Features by Page Deletion Status',
    ) %>%
    fmt_number(c('Yes', 'No'), decimals=0) %>%
    opt_stylize(style = 5)
edit1_num_cols = c('source_bytes', 'target_bytes', 'mt_pct', 'human_pct', 'duration_mins')

mean_by_del_status_edit1 <- data.frame(t(
    cx %>%
    filter(is_first_edit == TRUE) %>%
    select(is_page_deleted, all_of(edit1_num_cols)) %>%
    group_by(is_page_deleted) %>%
    summarize(across(all_of(edit1_num_cols), mean))

colnames(mean_by_del_status_edit1) <- c('No', 'Yes')
mean_by_del_status_edit1$Variable <- rownames(mean_by_del_status_edit1)
rownames(mean_by_del_status_edit1) <- NULL

mean_by_del_status_edit1_tbl <- (
    mean_by_del_status_edit1[-1, ] %>%
    gt() %>%
    cols_move_to_start('Yes') %>%
    cols_move_to_start('Variable') %>%
    tab_spanner('Is Page Deleted', c('Yes', 'No')) %>%
        'Average of Numerical Variables by Page Deletion Status',
        'First-time editors'
    ) %>%
    fmt_number(c('Yes', 'No'), decimals=0) %>%
    opt_stylize(style = 5) %>%
    tab_source_note('Other columns are not applicable for users making their first edit.')
num_cols_mean_by_edit_bucket <- (
    cx %>% 
    filter(!is_first_edit) %>%
    group_by(user_edit_bucket, is_page_deleted) %>%
    summarise(across(c(source_bytes, target_bytes, secs_since_prev_edit, mt_pct, human_pct, duration_mins), mean), .groups = 'drop')

num_cols_mean_by_edit_bucket$is_page_deleted[num_cols_mean_by_edit_bucket$is_page_deleted == TRUE] <- 'Deleted'
num_cols_mean_by_edit_bucket$is_page_deleted[num_cols_mean_by_edit_bucket$is_page_deleted == FALSE] <- 'Not Deleted'

num_cols_mean_by_edit_bucket_tbl <- (
    num_cols_mean_by_edit_bucket %>%
    gt(rowname_col = 'is_page_deleted', groupname_col = 'user_edit_bucket') %>% 
    opt_stylize() %>%
    opt_row_striping() %>%
    tab_header('Average of Numerical Features by Edit Buckets')

display_tbl_hrz(list(as_raw_html(mean_by_del_status_tbl), as_raw_html(mean_by_del_status_edit1_tbl)), space = 0)
Average of Numeric Features by Page Deletion Status
Variable Is Page Deleted
Yes No
source_bytes 17,144 13,234
target_bytes 6,063 7,087
secs_since_prev_edit 49,394 30,482
mt_pct 61 72
human_pct 34 25
duration_mins 1,372 1,459
creations_1hr 6 3
creations_6hr 14 6
creations_24hr 33 13
creations_72hr 82 26
creations_7days 170 44
creations_15days 301 73
creations_30days 388 113
Average of Numeric Features by Page Deletion Status
First-time editors
Variable Is Page Deleted
Yes No
source_bytes 20,231 19,007
target_bytes 6,377 9,229
mt_pct 53 66
human_pct 32 25
duration_mins 837 1,104
Other columns are not applicable for users making their first edit.
  • source_bytes & target_bytes: On average, for articles that were not deleted, the size of the source article at the time of initating the translation was lower, and the size of the target article at the time publication was higher. This indicates that attempts to translate longer articles might increase the chances of deletion, whereas publishing longer translations would decrease the chances of deletion. This mostly holds true across all the user experience levels (edit buckets).
  • mt_pct & human_pct: The current understanding is that higher proportion of machine translated content in the final publication might result in a bad quality translation (and thereby higher chance of deletion). Contrary to that, on average, for articles that were not deleted, the proportion of machine translation was higher and the proportion of human modification was lower. This indicates that human modification might not necessarily increase the translation quality. This holds true across all the user experience levels (edit buckets).
  • duration_mins: On average, for articles that were not deleted, the time spent translating the article was longer. However it is not consistent across user experience levels.
  • time_since_prev_edit: On average, for articles that were not deleted, time since the user’s previour edit was shorter. However, in the case of users with 11-99 edits or 5000+ edits, when a page was not deleted, the time since user’s previous edit was longer.
  • creations_ during a given preceeding time frame: Across all the time frames, for articles that were deleted, users had created more number of articles (with a substantial difference). This indicates creating too many articles within a short timeframe (for example during campaigns) might lead increase in the chances of deletion.

  • For breakdown of average values by user edit bucket, please refer to Table 1 in the appendix section.

Logical variables

calc_proportion <- function (col, df = cx, is_col_bool = TRUE) {
    result <- (
        df %>%
        group_by(.data[[col]]) %>%
            Total = n(),
            del = sum(is_page_deleted),
            not_del = sum(!is_page_deleted)
        ) %>%
            pct_del = del / Total,
            pct_not_del = not_del / Total,
            Variable = col,
            Total_fmt = sapply(Total, format_big_number)
        ) %>%
        select(-c(del, not_del))

    if (is_col_bool) {
        colnames(result)[1] <- 'TF'
        result <- (
            result %>% 
                across('TF', str_replace, 'TRUE', 'Yes'),
                across('TF', str_replace, 'FALSE', 'No')

logical_cols <- c('is_source_std_quality', 'is_target_std_quality', 'is_source_human',
                  'is_mt_available', 'is_first_edit', 'is_mobile_edit')

logical_cols_proportion_list <- list()
for (col in logical_cols) {
    logical_cols_proportion_list[[col]] <- calc_proportion(col, cx)

logical_cols_proportion <-, logical_cols_proportion_list)

logical_cols_proportion_tbl <- (
    logical_cols_proportion %>%
    mutate(Total = sapply(Total, format_big_number)) %>%
        groupname_col = 'Variable', 
        rowname_col = 'TF'
    ) %>%
        c('pct_del', 'pct_not_del'), 
    ) %>%
        c('pct_del', 'pct_not_del'),
        palette = 'GnBu'
    ) %>%
        'Is Page Deleted', 
        c('pct_del', 'pct_not_del')
    ) %>%
        pct_del = 'Deleted',
        pct_not_del = 'No'
    ) %>%
    cols_hide('Total_fmt') %>%
    tab_header('Deletion Proportion for Logical Variables') %>%

Deletion Proportion for Logical Variables
Total Is Page Deleted
Deleted No
No 326.5K 3% 97%
Yes 218.9K 5% 95%
No 433.5K 5% 95%
Yes 112.0K 0% 100%
No 347.8K 4% 96%
Yes 197.7K 3% 97%
No 4.57K 9% 91%
Yes 540.9K 4% 96%
No 533.0K 3% 97%
Yes 12.5K 23% 77%
No 529.6K 4% 96%
Yes 15.8K 8% 92%
  • is_source_std_quality: The deletion rate is higher for translations from source articles which meet the standard quality criteria. Previously, we observed that with the sources articles’ size, the articles that were deleted had a higher average size of source articles, and as size one of the criteria for standard quality, it maybe contributing here as well.
  • is_target_std_quality: This perhaps the most important observation of this analysis - in cases where articles met the standard quality criteria, the deletion rate was almost zero. In the previous section, we observed that the average size of articles was higher in cases of pages that were not deleted. As size is one of the criteria for standard quality, it may be likely that the more closer an article is to the standard quality (even if not all the criteria are met) the less likely the article might be deleted. However, further research will be necessary to understand how each of the criteria impacts the probability of deletion.
  • is_source_human: The deletion rate of articles where the source article was a human was slightly lower than that of other subjects. However, the difference is not substantial.
  • is_mt_available: When the CX tool was used to create articles where the language pair didn’t have any machine translation support (less 1% of all translations), the deletion rate was higher.
  • is_first_edit: The deletion rate of articles where it was the user’s first edit was substantially higher than returning editors. However, this might be a trend irrespective of the CX usage, as newcomers tend to make more mistakes which can lead to higher deletion. A follow-up analysis can compare the deletion rate of newcomers for articles created with using and without using CX.
  • is_mobile_edit: The deletion rate of articles created using a mobile device was slightly higher than that of articles created using a non-mobile device.

Categorical variables

plot_del_pct_bar <- function(variable, var_label) {
  plot <- (
          calc_proportion(variable, is_col_bool = FALSE), 
          aes_string(x=variable, y="pct_del", fill="pct_del")
      ) +
      theme_classic() +
      geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') + 
          aes(label = paste(scales::percent(pct_del), glue('of {Total_fmt}')), fontface = 2), 
          vjust = -0.5, 
          size = 5, 
          color = 'black'
      ) +
      scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
          x = var_label,
          y = 'Percentage of Articles Deleted',
          title = glue('by {var_label}')
      ) +
          text = element_text(size=16),
          plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
          legend.position = 'none'
      ) +
      scale_fill_gradient(low = 'PowderBlue', high='SteelBlue')

user_edit_bucket_del_plot <- plot_del_pct_bar('user_edit_bucket', 'User Edit Bucket')
user_rights_del_plot <- plot_del_pct_bar('user_rights_level', 'User Rights Level')
target_wp_del_plot <- plot_del_pct_bar('target_wp_rank_bin', 'Target Wikipedia Comparative Size Rank Bin')
source_wp_del_plot <- plot_del_pct_bar('source_wp_rank_bin', 'Source Wikipedia Comparative Size Rank Bin')

User experience levels

options(repr.plot.width = 22, repr.plot.height = 8)
    ncol = 2, 
    nrow = 1,
    top = textGrob(
        'Percentage of Articles That Were Deleted',
        gp = gpar(fontsize = 20, fontface = 'bold')

  • User Edit Bucket: As user experience increases (higher edit bucket) the deletion rate decreases. However, for users with 5000+ edits, the deletion rate is slightly higher than the previous edit bucket. It is worth noting that users who belonged to this user group also created the highest number of articles than any other edit bucket.
  • User Rights Level: Given the scope of this analysis, users were divided into only three user rights levels. The deletion rate of users with extended rights, who also created a substantial number of articles, is quite low. Although users with no rights also have a lower deletion rate, the number of articles created were very few as a percentage of the whole.

Wikipedia size

options(repr.plot.width = 22, repr.plot.height = 8)
    ncol = 2, 
    nrow = 1,
    top = textGrob(
        'Percentage of Articles That Were Deleted',
        gp = gpar(fontsize = 20, fontface = 'bold')

  • Target Wikipedia Rank Bin: From the above visualization, we can observe that the size of the target language Wikipedia is an important variable in deciding the deletion outcome. Ideally, the deletion outcome should not be based on the size of the Wikipedia, but on the quality of the translation (i.e. over a two year period, the deletion rate should be more or less consistent across various wikis). However that is not the case, even though the usage of CX has been more on smaller Wikipedias, the deletion rate was lower than that of larger Wikipedias. While there might be various explanations for this, a likely one is that the smaller Wikipedias have very few active editors and there isn’t enough patrolling activity that keeps up with the rate at which newer articles are created, and in addition the baseline expectation of quality might vary, which influences the deletion outcome. This is an important insight to inform the choice of methods during further statistical analysis.

  • Source Wikipedia Rank Bin: As the comparative size of the source language Wikipedia increases, the deletion rate of the translation increases overall. For articles translated from the top 6-10 Wikipedias, the deletion rate was the highest. For articles translated from top 5 Wikis, the deletion rate is ~3%.

Variable importance

Random forests is a classification algorithm, which can also be used to understand variable importance in a dataset. To understand the variable importance, we will be using the permutation importance approach which gives the Mean Decrease in Accuracy (MDA). In this approach, values of a given variable get randomly permutted to see how that affects classification accuracy. To execute this, ranger package by Wright (2023) has been used, which is a faster implementation of random forests, and has out of the box support calculating permutation importance.

The use of the approach has been inspired from: Popov (2016).

Popov, Mikhail. 2016. “From Zero to Hero: Anticipating Zero Results from Query Features, Ignoring Content.”
Wright, Marvin N. 2023. “A Fast Implementation of Random Forest.” CRAN.
# create training dataset (80% of the dataset)

model_data_rf <- select(cx, -target_rev_id)

trn_index_rf <- createDataPartition(model_data_rf$is_page_deleted, p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
trn_data_rf <- model_data_rf[trn_index_rf, ]
test_data_rf <- model_data_rf[-trn_index_rf, ]

rf_model_ranger <- ranger(
    formula = is_page_deleted ~ ., 
    data = trn_data_rf, 
    num.trees = 501,
    # suggested default for classification
    mtry = floor(sqrt(ncol(trn_data_rf))),
    verbose = TRUE,

    # mean decreasing accuracy
    importance = 'permutation',
    # ranger package by default uses all available cores at disposal
    # ideal to specify threads, especially if on a shared server
    num.threads = 6


saveRDS(rf_model_ranger, file='secrets/rf_model.rds')
Growing trees.. Progress: 15%. Estimated remaining time: 3 minutes, 7 seconds.
Growing trees.. Progress: 30%. Estimated remaining time: 2 minutes, 24 seconds.
Growing trees.. Progress: 46%. Estimated remaining time: 1 minute, 50 seconds.
Growing trees.. Progress: 62%. Estimated remaining time: 1 minute, 17 seconds.
Growing trees.. Progress: 77%. Estimated remaining time: 47 seconds.
Growing trees.. Progress: 93%. Estimated remaining time: 14 seconds.
Computing permutation importance.. Progress: 30%. Estimated remaining time: 1 minute, 13 seconds.
Computing permutation importance.. Progress: 58%. Estimated remaining time: 44 seconds.
Computing permutation importance.. Progress: 86%. Estimated remaining time: 15 seconds.
332.593 sec elapsed
var_importance <- data.frame(
    variable = names(rf_model_ranger$variable.importance),
    imp = rf_model_ranger$variable.importance

var_importance <- var_importance %>% mutate(
    # imp_pct = imp / sum(imp) * 100,
    imp_norm = imp / max(imp)

row.names(var_importance) <- NULL
options(repr.plot.width = 12, repr.plot.height = 10) 
var_imp_plot <- (
    ggplot(var_importance, aes(x = reorder(variable, imp_norm), y=imp_norm, fill=imp_norm)) + 
    geom_bar(stat = 'identity') +
    # geom_text(
    #     aes(label = sprintf("%.1f%%", imp_pct), fontface = 1),
    #     hjust = -0.1
    # ) + 
    coord_flip() + 
        title = 'Importance of Predictor Variables',
        x = 'Variable',
        y = 'Mean Decreasing Accuracy (Relative to Max)'
    ) + 
    theme_classic() + 
        plot.margin = unit(c(1, 0, 1, 1), "cm"),
        text = element_text(size=14),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size=18),
        legend.position = 'none'
    ) + 
    scale_fill_gradient(low = 'PowderBlue', high = 'DarkGreen')


Interpretation & Summary

Each bar indicates the average decrease in accuracy (relative to maximum). The highest decrease in accuracy was observed when values of machine translation percentage were changed. This was followed human modified percetange, target Wikipedia size rank bin, number of articles translated by a user during the preceeding 15 and 30 days, and whether the translated article met standard quality criteria or not.

Among the least important variables are (i.e. decrease in accuracy when changed is not comparatively large) are: availability of machine translation service for a given language pair, whether edit was a mobile edit or a first edit, whether the source article was a human subject, number of articles translated by a user during the preceeding 1 hour, and the source Wikipedia size rank bin.4

During the next step, where regression analysis will be used to estimate the impact of each of these variables on the outcome, the following variables will be excluded: is_mt_available, is_mobile_edit, creations_1hr and source_wp_rank_bin. Although is_first_edit and is_source_human have low importance, they will be included given the interest of understanding how these variables will influece the deletion outcome, within the scope of this analysis.

4 Note: This doesn’t necessarily mean that these variables don’t have any importance in deciding the deletion outcome, but when considering the overall set of variables available, they are less important compared to others.

For first-time editors

Using the same approach as above, let us try to understand the variable importance for variables specific to first-time editors. Variables that are not relevant to first-time editors, such as translation during the preceeding time frame, edit bucket etc. will be dropped.

# create training dataset (85% of the dataset)

model_data_rf_edit1 <- select(filter(cx, is_first_edit == TRUE), 
                              -c(target_rev_id, secs_since_prev_edit, creations_1hr, 
                                 creations_6hr, creations_24hr, creations_72hr, 
                                 creations_7days, creations_15days, creations_30days, 
                                 user_edit_bucket, is_first_edit, user_rights_level))

trn_index_rf_edit1 <- createDataPartition(model_data_rf_edit1$is_page_deleted, p = 0.85, list = FALSE)
trn_data_rf_edit1 <- model_data_rf_edit1[trn_index_rf_edit1, ]
test_data_rf_edit1 <- model_data_rf_edit1[-trn_index_rf_edit1, ]

rf_model_ranger_edit1 <- ranger(
    formula = is_page_deleted ~ ., 
    data = trn_data_rf_edit1, 
    num.trees = 501,
    # default for classification
    mtry = floor(sqrt(ncol(trn_data_rf_edit1))),
    verbose = TRUE,

    # mean decreasing accuracy
    importance = 'permutation',
    # ranger by default uses all available cores at disposal
    # ideal to specify threads, especially if on a shared server
    num.threads = 6

print('random forest model for newcomers built.')

saveRDS(rf_model_ranger_edit1, file='secrets/rf_model_edit1.rds')
[1] "random forest model for newcomers built."
1.584 sec elapsed
var_importance_edit1 <- data.frame(
    variable = names(rf_model_ranger_edit1$variable.importance),
    imp = rf_model_ranger_edit1$variable.importance

var_importance_edit1 <- var_importance_edit1 %>% mutate(
    # imp_pct = imp / sum(imp) * 100,
    imp_norm = imp / max(imp)

row.names(var_importance_edit1) <- NULL
options(repr.plot.width = 12, repr.plot.height = 10) 
var_imp_plot_edit1 <- (
    ggplot(var_importance_edit1, aes(x = reorder(variable, imp_norm), y=imp_norm, fill=imp_norm)) + 
    geom_bar(stat = 'identity') +
    coord_flip() + 
        title = 'Importance of Predictor Variables (For Newcomers)',
        x = 'Variable',
        y = 'Mean Decreasing Accuracy (Relative to Max)'
    ) + 
    theme_classic() + 
        plot.margin = unit(c(1, 0, 1, 1), "cm"),
        text = element_text(size=14),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size=18),
        legend.position = 'none'
    ) + 
    scale_fill_gradient(low = 'PowderBlue', high = 'DarkGreen')    



For first-time editors, whether the target article meets the standard quality criteria or not, has the highest importance, followed by the human modification percentage, the target article size, the machine translation percentage and the time taken to translate (in minutes).

Comparatively, the least important variables are availability of machine translation service for a given language pair, whether edit was a mobile edit or a first edit, whether the source article was a human subject, the source & target Wikipedias size rank bin. While most of the these are similar, notable exceptions are: target Wikipedia size, which was one of the most important variables when all users were considered.

For further regression analysis specific to newcomers, the following variables will be excluded: is_mt_available, is_mobile_edit, source_wp_rank_bin & target_wp_rank_bin. Although is_source_human has low importance, it will be included given the interest in the variable within the scope of this analysis.


All users

Hiearchial logistic regression

As observed in the exploratatory data analysis, the data has class imbalance. The incidence of outcome (i.e. is_page_deleted) is not consistent across Wikipedias, and there is variation based on Wikipedias’ comparative size. Even though lot of articles were created on smaller Wikipedias using CX, the deletion rate had been substantially lower. The low incidence might be due to factors beyond variables available and likely due to reasons such as lower patrollin + deletion activity, and variations in expectation of quality standards.

To start with, a logistic regression model is good for this case we want to predict a binary outcome, i.e. whether a page was deleted or not. However, to address this class imbalance, a hiearchial logistic regression (also known as mixed effects model) will be a better choice to handle random effects, in this case, target Wikipedia size rank bin. It helps us to understand the variation in baseline probability for each grouped bin of the target language Wikipedia.

glmm_exclude_cols <- c('target_rev_id', 'is_mt_available', 'is_mobile_edit', 'source_wp_rank_bin', 'creations_1hr')

glmm_all_data <- select(cx, -all_of(glmm_exclude_cols))
glmm_numeric_cols <- names(select(glmm_all_data, where(is.numeric)))
glmm_all_data <- glmm_all_data %>% mutate(across(glmm_numeric_cols, log1p))

outcome <- 'is_page_deleted'
random_effect <- 'target_wp_rank_bin'
fixed_effects <- setdiff(names(glmm_all_data), c(outcome, random_effect ))

glmm_training_idx <- createDataPartition(glmm_all_data[[outcome]], p=0.8, list = FALSE)
glmm_training_data <- glmm_all_data[glmm_training_idx, ]
glmm_test_data <- glmm_all_data[-glmm_training_idx, ]

glmm_formula <- as.formula(glue('{outcome} ~ {paste(fixed_effects, collapse = \' + \')} + (1 | {random_effect})'))

glmm_primary <- glmer(glmm_formula, family = binomial(link = 'logit'), data = glmm_training_data)
print('model has been built.')
[1] "model has been built."
1312.168 sec elapsed
glmm_logical_cols <- setdiff(names(select(glmm_all_data, where(is.logical))), outcome)
glmm_factor_cols <- setdiff(names(select(glmm_all_data, where(is.factor))), random_effect)

glmm_numerical_features_summary_tbl <- tbl_regression(glmm_primary, include = glmm_numeric_cols)
glmm_logical_features_summary_tbl <- (
        include = all_of(glmm_logical_cols), 
        show_single_row = all_of(glmm_logical_cols),
        label = list(
            is_source_std_quality = 'source meets standard quality',
            is_source_human = 'source is human',
            is_target_std_quality = 'target meets standard quality',
            is_first_edit = 'edit is user\'s first edit'
glmm_factor_features_summary_tbl <- tbl_regression(glmm_primary, include = all_of(glmm_factor_cols))

Model summary

            ) %>% 
            opt_stylize(5) %>%
            tab_header('Numerical features')
            ) %>% 
            opt_stylize(5) %>%
            tab_header('Logical features')
            ) %>% 
            opt_stylize(5) %>%
            tab_header('Categorical features')
Numerical features
Characteristic log(OR)1 95% CI1 p-value
source_bytes 0.33 0.31, 0.36 <0.001
target_bytes -0.15 -0.17, -0.13 <0.001
mt_pct -0.11 -0.13, -0.10 <0.001
human_pct 0.11 0.10, 0.13 <0.001
duration_mins 0.04 0.03, 0.05 <0.001
secs_since_prev_edit -0.02 -0.03, -0.01 <0.001
creations_6hr 0.25 0.20, 0.29 <0.001
creations_24hr 0.00 -0.06, 0.06 >0.9
creations_72hr 0.02 -0.05, 0.09 0.6
creations_7days 0.05 -0.03, 0.14 0.2
creations_15days 0.98 0.87, 1.1 <0.001
creations_30days -0.87 -0.95, -0.79 <0.001
1 OR = Odds Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval
Logical features
Characteristic log(OR)1 95% CI1 p-value
source meets standard quality 0.49 0.44, 0.54 <0.001
source is human 0.06 0.03, 0.10 <0.001
target meets standard quality -7.5 -8.5, -6.5 <0.001
edit is user's first edit 0.36 0.27, 0.45 <0.001
1 OR = Odds Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval
Categorical features
Characteristic log(OR)1 95% CI1 p-value

    user_edit_bucket.L -1.8 -1.8, -1.7 <0.001
    user_edit_bucket.Q 0.71 0.67, 0.76 <0.001
    user_edit_bucket.C 0.59 0.54, 0.64 <0.001
    user_edit_bucket^4 0.07 0.03, 0.12 <0.001

    user_rights_level.L -0.34 -0.55, -0.13 0.002
    user_rights_level.Q -1.2 -1.3, -1.1 <0.001
1 OR = Odds Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval

Model interpretation

Let us understand how logistic regression coefficients can be interpreted. The coefficients in the model summary are log-odds (logarithimic scale of odds, likelihood of an outcome). The probability of an outcome, given a change in variable is easier to interpret and communicate rather than log-odds (for example, how the deletion probability changes if the source article is human or if machine translation percentage is increased by 10%). An inverse logit function can be used to convert the log-odds of an outcome, into probability.

For interpretation, each variable will be compared to a baseline probability, which comes from the model’s intercept. This is the probability of deletion if we set all predictors to zero. In other words, it can be thought of as probability of an article being deleted beyond what the current set of variables can explain. For a given variable, holding all other variables constant, the probability of deletion is calculated using the respective model coffiecient, and the difference between the baseline probability and the new probability is considered as the impact of the given variable on probability of deletion.

P(X) indicates probability of event X happening. \[ \begin{align*} & P(\text{deletion}) = \text{logit}^{-1} (\beta_0) \\ & P(\text{deletion} | \text{is\_source\_human}) = \text{logit}^{-1} (\beta_0 + \beta_1) \end{align*} \] In the above equations:

  • \(\beta_0\) is the intercept
  • \(\beta_1\) is the model cofficient for is_source_human
  • \(P(\text{deletion})\) is the baseline probability of deletion
  • \(P(\text{deletion} | \text{is\_source\_human})\) is probability of deletion given source is human

\[ \begin{align*} & \text{Percentage Change in Deletion Probability} = \\ & \frac{P(\text{deletion} | \text{is\_source\_human}) - P(\text{deletion})}{P(\text{deletion})} \times 100\% \end{align*} \]

Random effect
glmm_ranefs <- ranef(glmm_primary)$target_wp_rank_bin
names(glmm_ranefs) <- c('Intercept')

glmm_fixefs <- data.frame(fixef(glmm_primary))
glmm_intercept <- glmm_fixefs['(Intercept)', ]
glmm_ranefs_summary <- (
    glmm_ranefs %>%
        adjusted_intercept = Intercept + glmm_intercept,
        baseline_prob = invlogit(glmm_intercept),
        ranef_prob = invlogit(adjusted_intercept),
        prob_diff = pct_diff(baseline_prob, ranef_prob)/100

glmm_ranefs_summary$target_wp_bin <- row.names(glmm_ranefs_summary)
glmm_ranefs_summary_tbl <- (
    glmm_ranefs_summary %>%
    gt(rowname_col = 'target_wp_bin') %>%
    cols_hide(setdiff(colnames(glmm_ranefs_summary), c('target_wp_bin', 'prob_diff'))) %>%
    fmt_percent('prob_diff', decimals=0) %>%
    cols_label(prob_diff = '% Change') %>%
    tab_header('Change in Probability of Deletion', gt::html('<b>by Target Wikipedia Rank</b>')) %>%

Change in Probability of Deletion
by Target Wikipedia Rank
% Change
1-5 23%
6-10 107%
11-20 115%
21-50 −27%
51-max −75%
Summary: target language Wikipedia size

We observed that the target language Wikipedia size rank influences the probability of deletion, beyond the quality of the translation itself. The above table explains how the probability of deletion varies by various Wikipedia sizes, irrespective of how good or bad the translation quality is.

  • When the target language Wikipedia belongs to the top 20, the probability for deletion increases, with highest increase for top 11 to 20 Wikipedias.
  • For the top 6 to 20 Wikipedias, the probability of deletion almost increases by 100% from the baseline (i.e. it gets doubled).
  • For Wikipedias smaller than the the top 20, the probability of deletion decreases as compared to the baseline, and it decreases by 76% for Wikipedias smaller than the top 50.

This is consistent with the prior observations where the deletion proportion was substantially lower for smaller Wikipedias, despite having high CX usage. For further interpretation of other variables, the baseline probability for the top 11 to 20 Wikipedias will be considered as the new reference baseline, as the expectation of translation quality is likely the strictest of all groups.

Logical features
glmm_signficance <- data.frame(p = summary(glmm_primary)$coefficients[, 'Pr(>|z|)'])
low_significance_vars <- c(row.names(glmm_signficance %>% filter(p >= 0.05)))
prob_impact <- function(
) {
    if (incl_ranef) {
        baseline <- intercept + ranefs[ranef_group, 'Intercept']
    } else {
        baseline <- intercept

    coeff <- fixefs[var_name, ]

    if (var_info$var_type == 'num') {
        init_val <- var_info$init
        increase <- var_info$increase

        if (var_info$is_ln) {
            init_log_odds <- baseline + coeff * log1p(init_val)
            new_log_odds <- baseline + coeff * log1p(init_val + increase)
        } else {
            init_log_odds <- baseline + coeff * init_val
            new_log_odds <- baseline + coeff * (init_val + increase)
    } else if (var_info$var_type == 'bool') {
        init_log_odds <- baseline
        new_log_odds <- baseline + coeff

    init_val_prob <- invlogit(init_log_odds)
    increased_prob <- invlogit(new_log_odds)
    if (return_pct_diff) {
        return(pct_diff(init_val_prob, increased_prob))
    } else {
glmm_logical_features_summary <- data.frame(
    coeff = glmm_fixefs[glmm_logical_cols, ],
    feature = glmm_logical_cols
row.names(glmm_logical_features_summary) <- glmm_logical_cols

for (col in glmm_logical_cols) {
    glmm_logical_features_summary[col, 'prob_diff'] <- prob_impact(col, list(var_type = 'bool'), intercept = glmm_intercept, fixefs = glmm_fixefs, ranefs = glmm_ranefs) / 100
glmm_logical_features_summary_tbl <- (
    glmm_logical_features_summary %>%
    gt(rowname_col = 'feature') %>%
    fmt_percent('prob_diff', decimals=0) %>%    
        coeff = 'Coefficient',
        prob_diff = '% Change'
    ) %>%
    tab_header('Change in Probability of Deletion', 'for logical variables') %>%
    tab_source_note('% Change is when the given feature is TRUE') %>%

Change in Probability of Deletion
for logical variables
Coefficient % Change
is_source_std_quality 0.4866 62%
is_source_human 0.0644 7%
is_target_std_quality -7.5041 −100%
is_first_edit 0.3592 43%
% Change is when the given feature is TRUE
Summary: logical variables
  • The impact on probability of deletion is highest when the target articles meets the standard quality criteria, where probability is decreased by 100%. During the exploratory data analysis, it was observed ~0% of the articles that are of standard quality were deleted.
  • On the contrary, if the source articles meets standard quality, the probability of deletion increases by more than 60%. This might be counter intutive, and be associated with the article size, where the average size of the source article for articles that were deleted was higher. This indicates that when longer articles get translated the probability for deletion is likely to increase.
  • If the translation is the user’s first edit, the probability of deletion increases by 44%.
  • If the source article is of a human subject, the probability of deletion increases by 7%.
Numerical features
glmm_numerical_features_summary <- data.frame(
    feature = setdiff(glmm_numeric_cols, low_significance_vars),
    init_l1 = c(1000, 1000, 30, 10, 15, 300, 1, 5, 10),
    init_l2 = c(4000, 4000, 60, 25, 30, 600, 2, 15, 20),
    increase_l1 = c(2000, 2000, 15, 10, 30, 900, 1, 1, 1),
    increase_l2 = c(2000, 2000, 15, 10, 30, 900, 1, 1, 1)

row.names(glmm_numerical_features_summary) <- setdiff(glmm_numeric_cols, low_significance_vars)

for (col in glmm_numeric_cols) {
    row_index <- which(row.names(glmm_numerical_features_summary) == col)
    col_info <- list(
        var_type = 'num',
        is_ln = TRUE,
        init = glmm_numerical_features_summary[row_index, 'init_l1'], 
        increase = glmm_numerical_features_summary[row_index, 'increase_l1']        
    glmm_numerical_features_summary[row_index, 'prob_diff_l1'] <- prob_impact(col, col_info, intercept = glmm_intercept, fixefs = glmm_fixefs, ranefs = glmm_ranefs) / 100

    col_info <- list(
        var_type = 'num',
        is_ln = TRUE,
        init = glmm_numerical_features_summary[row_index, 'init_l2'], 
        increase = glmm_numerical_features_summary[row_index, 'increase_l2']        
    glmm_numerical_features_summary[row_index, 'prob_diff_l2'] <- prob_impact(col, col_info, intercept = glmm_intercept, fixefs = glmm_fixefs, ranefs = glmm_ranefs) / 100
glmm_numerical_features_summary_tbl <- (
    glmm_numerical_features_summary %>%
    gt(rowname_col = 'feature') %>%
        label = 'Scenario 1',
        columns = ends_with('l1')
    ) %>%
        label = 'Scenario 2',
        columns = ends_with('l2')
    ) %>%
        starts_with("init") ~ "Initial",
        starts_with("increase") ~ "Increase",
        starts_with("prob") ~ "% Change"
    ) %>%
    ) %>%
        palette  = 'RdYlBu',
        reverse = TRUE
    ) %>%
    opt_stylize() %>%
    tab_header('Change in Probability of Deletion', 'for numerical variables') %>%
    tab_source_note(paste(paste(low_significance_vars, collapse = ', '), 'are excluded as coefficients are not statistically significant.'))

Change in Probability of Deletion
for numerical variables
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Initial Increase % Change Initial Increase % Change
source_bytes 1000 2000 40.32% 4000 2000 12.93%
target_bytes 1000 2000 −15.53% 4000 2000 −6.04%
mt_pct 30 15 −4.36% 60 15 −2.46%
human_pct 10 10 7.38% 25 10 3.65%
duration_mins 15 30 4.40% 30 30 2.80%
secs_since_prev_edit 300 900 −2.41% 600 900 −1.60%
creations_6hr 1 1 10.49% 2 1 7.33%
creations_15days 5 1 15.59% 15 1 5.54%
creations_30days 10 1 −7.31% 20 1 −3.98%
creations_24hr, creations_72hr, creations_7days are excluded as coefficients are not statistically significant.

To the understand the table above (i.e. the impact of various numeric variables on the probability of deletion):

  • The change in probability of deletion is calculated as the difference between probability for a given initial value and probability for the new value (initial + increase). This is because, realistically there is always some initial value to start with, rather than a zero.
    • For example, if we input 0 for size of the target article, the probability of deletion will decrease compared to having a value of 1000 bytes. But a target article of size zero, means there was no translation, and there is nothing to be deleted. Instead, we will understand how the probability changes if the size was increased by 2000 bytes, from an initial value of 1000 bytes.
  • In the above table, two scenarios are listed, the first scenario has lower initial values, as compared the second. In the second scenario, the probabilities of deletion for same increase are lower compared to the first scenario. This is because, as mentioned above, the percentage change is compared to an initial probability, which would have already been higher for the second scenario.
    • For example, if a user has already translated 5 articles during the preceeding 15 days, translating another article increases the probability by 16%. But if the user has already translated 15 articles, the deletion probability will increase by 6% only.
Brief summary
  • The number of articles created during the preceeding 15 days has a significant impact on increasing the deletion probability.
  • The increase in the following variables leads to increase in deletion probability: size of the source article, human modified percentage, time taken to translate, articles translated during the preceeding 6 hours and 15 days. Among those, the size of the source article and the number of articles translated during the preceeding 15 days have more influence compared to others.
  • The increase in the following variables leads to decrease in deletion probability: size of the target article, machine translation percentage, seconds since previous edit, and number of articles translated during the preceeding 30 days.
Categorical features
User edit bucket and rights level

The model summary suggests that, overall as user experience increases, the probability of deletion decreases5. In addition, the summary also suggests a more complex relation. It is easier to interpret that by visualizing. To do that, we will vary the user edit bucket, holding other variables constant, and plot the transformed predictions from the regression model that has been built. The same approach will be used for user rights levels as well.

5 user_edit_bucket.L = -1.8: explains the linear relationship, however, the presence of higher polynomical contrasts (quadratic, cubic and quartic) inidicates a more complex relation, rather than a simple linear one.

ue_predict_input <- data.frame(
        x = sapply(glmm_all_data, function(x) if(is.numeric(x)) mean(x) else NA))))

row.names(ue_predict_input) <- NULL

ue_predict_input <- (
    select(ue_predict_input, -c('is_page_deleted')) %>%
        is_source_std_quality = TRUE,
        is_target_std_quality = FALSE,
        target_wp_rank_bin = '11-20',
        is_first_edit = FALSE,
        user_rights_level = 'confirmed',
        is_source_human = TRUE,
        across(glmm_numeric_cols, log1p)

ue_predict_input <- ue_predict_input[rep(1, 5), ]
ue_predict_input['user_edit_bucket'] <- sort(unique(cx$user_edit_bucket))

categorical_vars <- c('target_wp_rank_bin', 'user_rights_level', 'user_edit_bucket')
ue_predict_input[categorical_vars] <- lapply(categorical_vars, function(var_name) {
  factor(ue_predict_input[[var_name]], levels = levels(glmm_all_data[[var_name]]))

ue_predictions <- select(ue_predict_input, c('user_edit_bucket'))
ue_predictions$prediction <- predict(glmm_primary, ue_predict_input)
ue_prob_plot <- (
        aes(x = user_edit_bucket, y = invlogit(prediction), group=1)
    ) + 
    geom_point() +
    geom_line(color = 'blue') +
    theme_classic() + 
        title = 'by User Edit Bucket',
        x = 'Edit Bucket',
        y = 'Probability of Deletion'
    ) +
        plot.margin = unit(c(1, 0, 1, 1), "cm"),
        text = element_text(size=14),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size=18),
        legend.position = 'none'
    ) + 
    scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent)
ur_predict_input <- data.frame(
        x = sapply(glmm_all_data, function(x) if(is.numeric(x)) mean(x) else NA))))

row.names(ur_predict_input) <- NULL

ur_predict_input <- (
    select(ur_predict_input, -c('is_page_deleted')) %>%
        is_source_std_quality = TRUE,
        is_target_std_quality = FALSE,
        target_wp_rank_bin = '11-20',
        is_first_edit = FALSE,
        is_source_human = TRUE,
        across(glmm_numeric_cols, log1p)

ur_predict_input <- ur_predict_input[rep(1, 3), ]
ur_predict_input['user_edit_bucket'] <- c('11-99', '100-999', '5000+')
ur_predict_input['user_rights_level'] <- c('none', 'confirmed', 'extended')

categorical_vars <- c('target_wp_rank_bin', 'user_rights_level', 'user_edit_bucket')
ur_predict_input[categorical_vars] <- lapply(categorical_vars, function(var_name) {
  factor(ur_predict_input[[var_name]], levels = levels(glmm_all_data[[var_name]]))

ur_predictions <- select(ur_predict_input, c('user_rights_level'))
ur_predictions$prediction <- predict(glmm_primary, ur_predict_input)
ur_prob_plot <- (
        aes(x = user_rights_level, y = invlogit(prediction), group=1)
    ) + 
    geom_point() +
    geom_line(color = 'blue') +
    theme_classic() + 
        title = 'by User Rights Level',
        x = 'User Rights Level',
        y = 'Probability of Deletion'
    ) +
        plot.margin = unit(c(1, 0, 1, 1), "cm"),
        text = element_text(size=14),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size=18),
        plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size=16),
        legend.position = 'none'
    + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent)
options(repr.plot.width = 22, repr.plot.height = 8)
    ncol = 2, 
    nrow = 1,
    top = textGrob(
        'Variation in Probability of Deletion\n(holding all other variables constant)',
        gp = gpar(fontsize = 20, fontface = 'bold')

  • Although the probability of deletion decreases as user experience increases, the probability of deletion slightly increases if a user belongs to 5000+ edit bucket. A similar trend was observed during exploratory data anlysis, where the the proportion of deletion for users with 5000+ edits was higher. It is worth noting that users having more 5000+ edits also created the most number of articles. We will investigate a possible reason for why this might be happening, further.
  • The probability of deletion is negligible if the user a extended user rights. However, t e analysis uses very broad levels, which may not be very useful for interpretation. Further analysis can explore the variation by using more levels. Having said that, user rights levels and naming is inconsistent across wikis, and user edit bucket is a better proxy for user experience.
ue_creations_summary <- data.frame(
    cx %>% 
    group_by(user_edit_bucket) %>% 
    summarize(across(c('creations_30days', 'creations_15days', 'creations_7days', 'creations_72hr', 'creations_24hr', 'creations_6hr'), mean))

names(ue_creations_summary) <- c('user_edit_bucket', '30 days', '15 days', '7 days', '72 hours', '24 hours', '6 hours')

ue_creations_summary_tbl <- (
    ue_creations_summary %>%
    gt(rowname_col = 'user_edit_bucket') %>%
    fmt_number(decimals=0) %>% 
    data_color(palette = 'Blues') %>%
        html('Average Number of Articles Translated<br>by User Edit Bucket'), 
        'during the preceeding time frame'

Average Number of Articles Translated
by User Edit Bucket
during the preceeding time frame
30 days 15 days 7 days 72 hours 24 hours 6 hours
1-10 2 2 2 2 1 1
11-99 12 11 10 9 6 4
100-999 68 57 43 30 16 8
1000-4999 142 95 59 35 16 7
5000+ 168 103 57 30 13 6

As observed above, the articles transated by users with 5000+ edits have a higher probability of deletion. This is counter-intutive as one would expect it to be lower than that of users from other edit buckets. While there can be several other reasons, when we look at the number of articles translated during the preceeding 15 and 30 days, on average users with 5000+ edits have created more articles than any other edit bucket.6 A possible explanation could be that increased participantion in campaigns, where article creation is incentivized and more translations are created during a given timeframe than usual, it can lead to lower quality translations.

6 The differences are statistically significant, please refer to Listing 1 in the appendix for more details.

First-time editors

Logistic regression

A target Wikipedia rank bin doesn’t have high importance in understanding the deletion outcome for articles created by first-time editors, so a simple logistic regression model will be used to quantify the impact of various features on deletion outcome. Several features that are not releveant for users making their first edit, such as the number of creations during the preceeding timeframe, edit bucket etc. will be excluded.

edit1_glm_exclude_cols <- c('target_rev_id', 'secs_since_prev_edit', 'creations_1hr', 
                            'creations_6hr', 'creations_24hr', 'creations_72hr', 'creations_7days', 
                            'creations_15days', 'creations_30days', 'user_edit_bucket', 'is_first_edit', 
                            'user_rights_level', 'is_mt_available', 'is_mobile_edit', 'target_wp_rank_bin',

edit1_glm_data <- select(cx, -all_of(edit1_glm_exclude_cols))
edit1_glm_num_cols <- names(select(edit1_glm_data, where(is.numeric)))
edit1_glm_data <- edit1_glm_data %>% mutate(across(all_of(edit1_glm_num_cols), log1p))

edit1_glm_trn_idx <- createDataPartition(edit1_glm_data[[outcome]], p = 0.9, list = FALSE)
edit1_glm_trn_data <- edit1_glm_data[edit1_glm_trn_idx, ]
edit1_glm_tst_data <- edit1_glm_data[-edit1_glm_trn_idx, ]

edit1_predictors <- setdiff(names(edit1_glm_data), outcome)
edit1_glm_formula <- as.formula(glue('{outcome} ~ {paste(edit1_predictors, collapse = \' + \')}'))

edit1_glm <- glm(
    formula = edit1_glm_formula,
    family = binomial(link = 'logit'),
    data = edit1_glm_trn_data
print('model has been built.')
[1] "model has been built."
4.536 sec elapsed

Model summary

edit1_glm_numerical_features_summary_tbl <- tbl_regression(edit1_glm, include = all_of(edit1_glm_num_cols))

edit1_glm_logical_cols <- setdiff(names(select(edit1_glm_data, where(is.logical))), outcome)
edit1_glm_logical_features_summary_tbl <- (
        include = all_of(edit1_glm_logical_cols), 
        show_single_row = all_of(edit1_glm_logical_cols),
        label = list(
            is_source_std_quality = 'source meets standard quality',
            is_source_human = 'source is human',
            is_target_std_quality = 'target meets standard quality'        
        tidy_fun = broom.helpers::tidy_parameters
            ) %>% 
            opt_stylize(5) %>%
            tab_header('Numerical features')
            ) %>% 
            opt_stylize(5) %>%
            tab_header('Logical features')
Numerical features
Characteristic log(OR)1 95% CI1 p-value
source_bytes 0.23 0.21, 0.25 <0.001
target_bytes -0.14 -0.16, -0.13 <0.001
mt_pct -0.12 -0.13, -0.11 <0.001
human_pct 0.10 0.09, 0.12 <0.001
duration_mins 0.03 0.02, 0.03 <0.001
1 OR = Odds Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval
Logical features
Characteristic log(OR)1 95% CI1 p-value
source meets standard quality 0.59 0.54, 0.63 <0.001
source is human -0.20 -0.23, -0.16 <0.001
target meets standard quality -7.5 -8.7, -6.6 <0.001
1 OR = Odds Ratio, CI = Confidence Interval

Model interpretation

edit1_glm_coeffs <- data.frame(coeff = edit1_glm$coefficients)
edit1_glm_intercept <- edit1_glm_coeffs['(Intercept)', ]
Logical variables
edit1_glm_logical_features_summary <- data.frame(
    coeff = edit1_glm_coeffs[edit1_glm_logical_cols, ],
    feature = edit1_glm_logical_cols
row.names(edit1_glm_logical_features_summary) <- edit1_glm_logical_cols

for (col in edit1_glm_logical_cols) {
    edit1_glm_logical_features_summary[col, 'prob_diff'] <- prob_impact(
        col, list(var_type = 'bool'), intercept = edit1_glm_intercept, fixefs = edit1_glm_coeffs, incl_ranef = FALSE
    ) / 100
edit1_glm_logical_features_summary_tbl <- (
    edit1_glm_logical_features_summary %>%
    gt(rowname_col = 'feature') %>%
    fmt_percent('prob_diff', decimals=0) %>%    
        coeff = 'Coefficient',
        prob_diff = '% Change'
    ) %>%
    tab_header('Change in Probability of Deletion', 'for logical variables') %>%
    tab_source_note('% Change is when the given feature is TRUE') %>%

Change in Probability of Deletion
for logical variables
Coefficient % Change
is_source_std_quality 0.589 78%
is_source_human -0.195 −17%
is_target_std_quality -7.493 −100%
% Change is when the given feature is TRUE
  • Similar to the results we observed for all users, the impact on probability of deletion is highest when the target articles meets the standard quality criteria, where probability of deletion gets decreased by 100%. During the exploratory data analysis, it was observed none of the articles that met standard quality were deleted.
  • On the contrary, if the source articles meets standard quality, the probability of deletion increases by more than 75% (as compared to 50% increase when all users were considered). This indicates that the probability of deletion is comparatively higher when first time edit editors translate longer articles.
  • If the source article is of a human subject, the probability of deletion decreases by 17%, as compared to 7% increase when all users were considered.
Numerical variables
edit1_glm_numerical_features_summary <- data.frame(
    feature = edit1_glm_num_cols,
    base_l1 = c(1000, 1000, 30, 10, 15),
    base_l2 = c(4000, 4000, 60, 25, 30),
    increase_l1 = c(2000, 2000, 15, 10, 30),
    increase_l2 = c(2000, 2000, 15, 10, 30)

row.names(edit1_glm_numerical_features_summary) <- edit1_glm_num_cols

for (col in edit1_glm_num_cols) {
    row_index <- which(row.names(edit1_glm_numerical_features_summary) == col)
    col_info <- list(
        var_type = 'num',
        is_ln = TRUE,
        base = edit1_glm_numerical_features_summary[row_index, 'base_l1'], 
        increase = edit1_glm_numerical_features_summary[row_index, 'increase_l1']        
    edit1_glm_numerical_features_summary[row_index, 'prob_diff_l1'] <- prob_impact(col, col_info, intercept = edit1_glm_intercept, fixefs = edit1_glm_coeffs, incl_ranef = FALSE) / 100

    col_info <- list(
        var_type = 'num',
        is_ln = TRUE,
        base = edit1_glm_numerical_features_summary[row_index, 'base_l2'], 
        increase = edit1_glm_numerical_features_summary[row_index, 'increase_l2']        
   edit1_glm_numerical_features_summary[row_index, 'prob_diff_l2'] <- prob_impact(col, col_info, intercept = edit1_glm_intercept, fixefs = edit1_glm_coeffs, incl_ranef = FALSE) / 100
edit1_glm_numerical_features_summary_tbl <- (
    edit1_glm_numerical_features_summary %>%
    gt(rowname_col = 'feature') %>%
        label = 'Scenario 1',
        columns = ends_with('l1')
    ) %>%
        label = 'Scenario 2',
        columns = ends_with('l2')
    ) %>%
        starts_with("base") ~ "Initial",
        starts_with("increase") ~ "Increase",
        starts_with("prob") ~ "% Change"
    ) %>%
    ) %>%
        palette  = 'RdYlBu',
        reverse = TRUE
    ) %>%
    opt_stylize() %>%
    tab_header('Change in Probability of Deletion', 'for numerical variables')

Change in Probability of Deletion
for numerical variables
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Initial Increase % Change Initial Increase % Change
source_bytes 1000 2000 28.39% 4000 2000 9.68%
target_bytes 1000 2000 −14.48% 4000 2000 −5.61%
mt_pct 30 15 −4.50% 60 15 −2.53%
human_pct 10 10 6.86% 25 10 3.40%
duration_mins 15 30 2.68% 30 30 1.71%

To the understand the table above (i.e. the impact of various numeric variables on the probability of deletion):

  • The change in probability of deletion is calculated as the difference between probability for a given initial value and probability for the new value (initial + increase). This is because, realistically there is always some initial value to start with, rather than a zero.
    • For example, if we input 0 for size of the target article, the probability of deletion will decrease compared to having a value of 1000 bytes. But a target article of size zero, means there was no translation, and there is nothing to be deleted. Instead, we will understand how the probability changes if the size was increased by 2000 bytes, from an initial value of 1000 bytes.
  • In the above table, two scenarios are listed, the first scenario has lower initial values, as compared the second. In the second scenario, the probabilities of deletion for same increase are lower compared to the first scenario. This is because, as mentioned above, the percentage change is compared to an initial probability, which would have already higher for the second scenario.
Brief summary
  • Increase in the following variables lead to increase in deletion probability: size of the source article, human modification percentage, and time taken to translate.
    • Among those, the size of the source article has the most influence.
  • Increase in the following variables lead to decrease in deletion probability: size of the target article and machine translation percentage.



Throughout the analysis, the focus has been on various factors affect the deletion outcome of articles created through the Content Translation tool, the goal is to inform improvements to machine translation limits system. The current system uses the percentages of unmodified (machine translated) content and human modified content to throttle/block translations. However, from both the exploratory data analysis and regression analysis, it was observed that articles that were not deleted had a higher percentage of machine translated content and increase in machine translated content is associated with decreased probability of deletion. This may be counter-intutive and contrary to the current understanding of how these percentages might affect the quality of the translated article. As machine translation alogrithms get more and more accurate with time, it might get even harder to estimate what is a good threshold. In the past, communities have reported that the thresholds are sometimes too restrictive in a way that even good quality translations are blocked. While it is not practically sensible to allow 100% machine translated content, it is worth thinking about evolving the system beyond machine translated and human modified percentages.

A key insight from the analysis is how the standard quality impacts the deletion rate. An article can be considered of standard quality, if it is at least 8kB long, has at least one category, has at least seven sections, is illustrated with at least one image, has at least four references and two intra wiki links. While it is not practical for all the translations to meet standard quality, it can be encouraged to the have the translation as close as possible to the standard quality. We also observed the increase in target article’s size is associated with decrease in deletion probability. So even if all translations are not 8kB long, they can be encouraged to be expanded. In addition to the machine translation and human modification percentages, the criteria can be also be used to think about thresholds and checks. For example, throttle/block if there is not even one intra-wiki link or a reference. Similar to Edit check, they can also be used to provide actionable feedback when a user is translating an article.

In addition, increase in the time elapsed since users’ previous edit is associated with decrease in probability of deletion. As of one of the goals was to understand how campaigns/contests impact the deletion rate, as users tend to create more content without much attention to the quality, we explored how the number of translations created during the preceeding time frame has an impact on the deletion outcome. Although different intervals were observed and among all of them, increase in the number of articles during the given preceeding time frame is associated with increase in deletion probability, the number of articles created during the preceeding 15 days has the highest impact. Most of the impact of shorter time frames is not significant.

To conclude, for the limits system to effectively counter (and provide feedback) for potentially low quality translations, other factors apart from machine translation and human modification percentages can be considered, mostly importantly the standard quality criteria. A follow-up analysis, if needed, can look into how each of the criteria for standard quality impacts the deletion outcome.


Average of numerical variables by various edit buckets

Table 1
Average of Numerical Features by Edit Buckets
source_bytes target_bytes secs_since_prev_edit mt_pct human_pct duration_mins
Not Deleted 15944 8317 109052 70.7 23.4 1317
Deleted 20008 7248 101100 58.5 30.5 1716
Not Deleted 14495 7343 71202 72.5 23.1 1172
Deleted 19723 7392 67446 66.5 25.6 1383
Not Deleted 13460 7299 40667 72.6 24.3 1264
Deleted 16370 7899 44757 71.6 25.0 1646
Not Deleted 13957 7365 28411 69.8 26.7 1415
Deleted 16244 6346 32887 66.3 32.4 2539
Not Deleted 12435 6754 15103 73.0 25.4 1617
Deleted 13464 2291 4408 45.1 54.6 552

Variation in quatiles pre/post-winsorizing

Table 2
Variation in Quantiles Pre/Post Winsorizing
Variable Mean (Average) 100%
Pre Post Pre Post
source_bytes 6,835 6,835 686,189 121,461
target_bytes 4,092 4,092 544,611 53,157
secs_since_prev_edit 1,087 1,087 513,529,265 315,104
duration_mins 13 13 1,030,997 28,808
- 100% indicates the most extreme value for the variable.

Difference in articles created by 1000-4999 and 5000+ edit buckets

(during the preceeding 15 and 30 days)

Mann–Whitney U test (also known as Wilcoxon rank-sum test) will be used to check if the difference between the means of the number of articles created by users belonging to 1000-4999 and 5000+ edit buckets is significant or not. The use of Mann–Whitney U test has been decided given the following: no assumption of the distribution, predictor variables are categorical, and the groups are mutually exclusive.

Listing 1
cx_1k <- subset(cx, user_edit_bucket == "1000-4999")
cx_5k <- subset(cx, user_edit_bucket == "5000+")

cx_30days_wilcox <- wilcox.test(cx_5k$creations_30days, cx_1k$creations_30days, exact = FALSE)
cx_15days_wilcox <- wilcox.test(cx_5k$creations_15days, cx_1k$creations_15days, exact = FALSE)

cat('articles translated during the prceeding 30 days')


cat('----------------------------------------------------\narticles translated during the prceeding 15 days')
articles translated during the prceeding 30 days
    Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction

data:  cx_5k$creations_30days and cx_1k$creations_30days
W = 14078450030, p-value <0.0000000000000002
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0

articles translated during the prceeding 15 days
    Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction

data:  cx_5k$creations_15days and cx_1k$creations_15days
W = 13715092348, p-value = 0.02
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0